Thursday, March 24, 2011

Talent Spotlight: OMC - "How Bizarre" LIVE

Most people that where cognizant of pop culture in the 1990's know this hit single. Nothing quite like it. Out of pure curiosity I found this clip and am genuinely intrigued. Not completely familiar with the culture of New Zealand. I hear the folks up there are incredibly nice and awesome. Apparently they are really good at creating sand-blasted urban-cruise jams as well.

This live version knocked me into another stratosphere. Full-blown televised production. Acoustic, a capella intro. Flute solos. Full band. Yellow-tinted sunglasses. Harmonial synchronicity. Sly, rhythmic vocal cues. DJ scratchin'.

I really dig the audience's enthusiasm. Their hand clapping even manages to throw the Dj off when the song kicks in. True professionalism.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Have Seen The Future

Last night I had a dream that I was driving my original wheels, a 1990 Chevy Suburban (Similar to the GMC pictured above), throughout the streets of San Antonio. While cruisin' a classic stretch on Blanco road, I lost control of the vehicle and engaged in two minor accidents. Both automobiles (I can't remember the make) were stocked with passengers, who were all severely PISSED about the incident.

Instead of settling the situation in a civilized manner, all three vehicles pulled into the parking lot of Slater White Cleaners, rolled down our windows and started yelling at each other. All I can remember is that I was able to end the situation strictly by sitting on my bum and using the power of WORDS to drive these piss-ants away. Which, in true dream-like form, worked PERFECTLY. I believe the last word I said was "Apparently" and the predicament ceased. APPARENTLY.

To cut to the chase, the pivotal moment of this dream was when I went home and blogged about the occurance. The title is a blur, but the post was similar to this. We're talkin' about DREAM BLOGGING. This is the FUTURE.