Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An Ode To The Hour

TIME: The system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.

I've always been a really big fan of TIME. I was once notorious for having one of the most putrid and pasty watch tans North of the equator.

Sections of time are relevant to everything we do. Some may believe it would be nice to live in a timeless world. A world where one can roam free and without worry of any kind of organizational constraint. I can relate to certain aspects of this idea. However, this outlook is and always has been ASENINE.

Due to the fact that we are beings amongst beings amongst the Universe, TIME IS A NECESSITY.

The primal days of yore saw humans relying upon nature to guide them through a routine. These schedules became essential, and the misfortune of breaking these standards could result in DEATH. Over the span of human existence, the measurement of time has been refined to make our lives more efficient and reasonable.

I enjoy TIME. I enjoy minutes, seconds, days, months, years, and decades, but most important to me is THE HOUR.

You can get a lot done in an hour. Buy some cd's, chomp a burger, walk the block, etc. I have utmost respect for this section of time. I am not putting down the other measurements, seeing that they are all integral to each other, but I REALLY DIG THE HOUR.

Next time you're driving to work, sitting in a chair, or complaining about something, take a moment to reflect on how TIME has positioned you.


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